Engleza, întrebare adresată de igjijis, 10 ani în urmă

Realizeaza 8 intrebari la care sa raspunda o persoana faimoasa intr-un text ( in limba engleza). As prefera cu Beyonce, Adam din Maroon 5 etc. Vedrti si voi! Va roog mult! 30 puncte

cofarudenisa: Ma ajuti te rog : http://brainly.ro/tema/987134
igjijis: Eu te rog pe tine sa ma ajuti!
cofarudenisa: Pai nu mai am loc
igjijis: Poti sa scrii aici
cofarudenisa: si raspunsuri .. ?
igjijis: Intr-un text
cofarudenisa: pai pot sa iti dau decat intrebari ?
igjijis: Nu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NikNikkiNak
Adam (Maroon 5) Interview: Hello Adam. Thank you for coming here today. I would like to ask you some questions that aee based on your career and personal life. First of all. Let's start with the beginning. ●Where were you born? Where's your hometown? And if you'd like to tell us ●How are your parents named? Oh, and this one's a question from one of your fans. ●Have you ever been in love with someone you couldn't be with? Next question: ●Who's your celebrity crush? ●How did you start your music career? ●Will you continue with singing and songwriting till an older age? Wow, these are all such good questions that come from all over the world for you Adam. Shall we continue? We've got time for four more questions. ●What's your favorite color and why? ●Are you in a relationship with anybody at the moment? ●What are your thoughts over family? And the last question: ●What do you love the most at your fans? Thank you very much for coming here today Adam. Have a good one.

igjijis: Pai si raspunsurile?
igjijis: In primul rand intrebarile trebuiau puse separat iar radspunsurie intr-un text. Ca si cum ai primi un plic cu intrebari si tu trebuie sa raspunzi la ele separat intr-un text!
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