Engleza, întrebare adresată de reghinazete98, 8 ani în urmă

Realizează o compunere,în engleză ,în care să vorbești despre inventarea telefonului mobil și creatorul acestuia ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de bardanflorentina

It's hard to imagine a world without a mobile phone, especially now that the things in your life are connected in a single device (friends, lists, meetings, entertainment, etc.). Certainly Alexander Graham Bell, when he invented the telephone (in fact, a device capable of emitting and receiving spoken words), in 1876, did not realize the magnitude / evolution that this device would have over time. He is the one who patented the phone, but some rumors say that the device was invented a few years before, in 1861, by Johann Philipp Reiss, a professor of physics and mathematics (but who did not patent the invention).

Succes! ;)

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