Engleza, întrebare adresată de danielpreda595, 8 ani în urmă

Redactează o compunere în engleză în care să povestești despre prinți și prințese (exemplu alb că zăpada)Sa sine 125 de cuvinte și traducerea daca vrei.va rog e urgent​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de andreibusu83


Once upon a time there was a little princess named Snow White, who lived in a castle with her father, the king, and her stepmother, the queen. The years passed, Snow White grew and became more and more beautiful, and the queen became more and more jealous of her stepdaughter! Every day the queen entered her secret room and asked for an enchanted mirror: - Mirror-mirror, who is the most beautiful in the country? For a while, every time she was asked, the mirror would answer: "You, my queen, are the most beautiful in the country!" But the day came when the mirror said to him: "You are beautiful, my queen, but Snow White is even more beautiful than you!" The queen is terribly angry ... A hunter calls her and orders her to take the girl to the forest and kill her there! However, finding out about the master's plans, the girl ran away from the castle and looked for an escape in the depths of the forest. And when it was dark, he sat down under a log and fell asleep. The next day, the seven dwarfs who lived nearby found her there in a dollhouse. After the girl woke up and told them what had happened to her, being kind to the soul, the dwarves invited her to live in their house. From that day on, the child was busy with housework and cooking. Every time they went to work, the dwarves they did not forget to tell her not to open the door of any stranger. Soon, however, the queen of the robe learns from the enchanted mirror that Snow White is alive and that she has found shelter in the house of the seven dwarfs. So, being a witch, she pretended to be an old woman, prepared a basket of poisoned apples, and went to the dwarfs' house. Snow White took pity on her and, thinking she was a poor old woman, bought her apples. Then he grabbed a bright red one, bit into it, and fell to the ground like a sickle!

E povestea Alba ca zăpada


danielpreda595: mulțumesc
danielpreda595: mult
andreibusu83: cu plăcere! Scz că este prea mare , dar poți scrie cât vrei
danielpreda595: nu este nici-o problemă
andreibusu83: bine!!
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