Engleza, întrebare adresată de HOMPTTM, 8 ani în urmă

Repede am nevoie de acest exercitiu!!!!!!


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mariette18


de-ar Emy you asked me about nu school life.

well usually school starts at 8:30. the first hour we do it Romanian in most cases then we have a break of 15 minutes although it's not long you can talk to your friend to eat what you brought from home or look in phone. most students go to the canteen to get something in case they forgot the bottle of water or food at home there everything is quite cheap starting from 5 to 20 lei. then we have math and English my favorite class I think that it is one of the most captivating objects in school. the last lesson is history is a bit boring sometimes but it is also important here are some rules and our school: to walk quietly in the corridors or next to school do not delay in lessons homework all the time. my school, even if it's old enough, is full of mysteries and new things to see

sper sa îți placa

HOMPTTM: Mulțumesc mult!!!!!!!
mariette18: cpl!
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