Engleza, întrebare adresată de angheloiuolivia, 8 ani în urmă

Repede dau 20 de puncte !​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlbertCucuteanu


Tommy: Hello, girls. What are you doing?

Jenny: We are doing a puzzle. Do you want to help?

Tommy: No, thanks. I don't like doing (not like / do) puzzles.

Christie: I love doing puzzles! It's so much fun!

Jenny: What do you like doing in your free time, then?

Tommy: I like playing chess.

Jenny: It sounds good.

Christie: I hate playing chess!

Tommy: I love listening to music, too.

Christie: Me too! I also love dancing!

Tommy: I like dancing, too.


In limba engleza un verb la gerunziu cu terminatia "-ing" devine un substantiv.

In acest exercitu trebuie sa folosesti Past Simple + un verb la gerunziu care arata o pasiune, un hobby.

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