Engleza, întrebare adresată de handcapetion, 8 ani în urmă

repede DAU 50 DE PUNCTEE​


handcapetion: 25 !!nu merge sa pun mai mult...

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hello89
We use ~Present Continuous~ to talk about a temporary situation.

We use ~Present Simple~ to talk about permanent situation or states.

We use ~Present Continuous~ to talk about a changing situation.

We use ~Present Continuous~ to talk about what people/things are like.

We use ~Present Simple~ to talk about what people possess.

We use ~Present Continuous~ to talk about personal arrangements or fixed plans for the future.

We use ~Present Continuous~ to describe what is happening in pictures and photos.

handcapetion: multumesc!!!!!!!Nimeni nu voia sa imi raspunda
handcapetion: o sa îti dau coroana cand pot
hello89: Scuze ca a durat mai mult :’(
handcapetion: nu este nimic
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