Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

repede va rog dau coroana 4 si 5​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nonanona2004p8qhvs

4 1) four days ago

2) last Thursday

3) last Wednesday

4) five days ago

5)last week

6) last Friday

5 last week, two days ago, last week, three days ago, last month, 1 year ago, last Friday, one day ago, last Monday, 2 months ago

Răspuns de tudoritaionica
She had english and science last thursday
She studied maths thursday

She has ict class wensday

She studied english thursday

She studied maths twice thursday

She studied pe friday
Ex. 5
I watched a james bond film on tv
I played football with my friends

My mom cocked lasange
I washed my hair
I stayed home yesterday
My dad started a new job yesterday
It rained today
I phoned my grandma today
I listened to my favorite cd today
My Granddad showed me His pictures today
Alte întrebări interesante