Engleza, întrebare adresată de borbelelena422, 8 ani în urmă

Repedee plss, dau coroana​


NonameA: Ai un text anume in carte de unde trebuie luate info?
borbelelena422: Da
NonameA: pai trimite-l ca sa te pot ajuta :)
borbelelena422: nu mă lăsa și nu înțeleg de ce
NonameA: fa poza și trimite-l
NonameA: sau scrie-l
borbelelena422: This is a golden eagle . It's in danger because people collect birds egg and take The eggs of golden eagles crom their nest. Golden eagles live in the mountains. They eat small birds, mice or rats. Red squirrels live in tress and eat fruit and nuts. They are rare now. They die from pollution and chemicals.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de NonameA


1 Golden eagles eat small birds, mice and rats.

2 Their eggs are collected by people.

3 The red squirrel eat fruits and nuts.

4 The red squirrel die because of pollution and chemicals.


borbelelena422: Mersii multt♥️❤️
NonameA: :)
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