Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexandrudamaschin0, 8 ani în urmă


1. I don’t have a car. I wish I ____________________.
2. I can’t play the piano. I wish I ____________________.
3. I didn’t have time to read a lot of books. I wish ________________________.
4. It never stops raining here. I wish it ________________________.
5. Please, stop talking. I wish you ______________________.
6. I regret selling my old car. I wish I _______________________.
7. It would be so nice to have a house in the mountains. I wish we _______________________.
8. “Bob, leave your sister alone!” Mother wishes that Bob ________________________.
9. Jenna can’t swim. Jenna wishes she _______________________.
10. If only John hadn’t lied to me. I wish John ________________________.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AmbarAnna

1. had a car

2. could play the piano

3. i had time to read books.

4. would stop raining here

5. would stop talking

6. didn't sell my old car

7. had a house in the mountains

8. would be left alone

9. she could swim

10. wouldn't lie to me

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