Engleza, întrebare adresată de deea4367, 8 ani în urmă

Rephrase the sentences using used to.
1. Gregory’s mum often worked on the night shift.
2. Whenever he had time, he chased tornadoes.
3. When we were young, we quite often visited our relatives.
4. They did the dishes almost every day.
5. At that time, television wasn’t widely available.
6. We usually had breakfast at seven.
7. When I was a child, there was a large car park on this site.
8. Grandpa mostly grew vegetables on his lot.
9. You never ate out, did you?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cristachelidiamaria
1. Gregory’s mum used to work on a night shift
2. Whenever he had time he used to chase tornadoes
3. When we were young we used to visit our relatives
4. They used to do the dishes every day
5.at that time we didn’t use to have TVs
6 we used to have breakfast at 7
7 when I was a child there used to be a large car parked on the side
8. Grandpa used to grow vegetables on his lot
9. You never used to eat out, did you?
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