Engleza, întrebare adresată de OnlyMe22, 9 ani în urmă

1)Actually, she succeeded in getting the loan at last.
Actually, she ...............................................
2) It is several years since I last met them.
3) Nobody could do anything to help them.
Nothing .......................................................
4)Perhaps they quarrelled again.
They ...............................................................
5) We were surprised when he passed the exam.
We didn't expect.................................................
6) Years ago, people said that flying was an impossible dream.
Years ago, flying ............................................................
7)The film was so violent that I felt like fainting.
.............................................. film that I felt like fainting.
8) I'll lay the table first, and then I'll call him.
I'll call him as soon as .....................................................
9) It takes twenty minutes to walk to school.
10) Everybody agreed with her except George.
The only .......................................................
11) John wouldn't tell you this secret and Mary wouldn't either.
Neither ........................................................................................
12) She was trying hard but she couldn't do that problem.
Despite ............................................................................
13) It is expected that she will be successful.
14) If it hadn't been for that map, we couldn't have found the chalet.
15) Since you don't like football, you never go to football matches.
If you .............................................................................................
16) Peter seldom visits his neighbours.
Peter doesn't..............................................
17) You haven't written to her for three months.
The last.............................................
18) It is forbidden to use dictionaries during the test.
Dictionaries ...............................................................
19) However hard she tries, she still can't do it.
No matter ..................................................................
20) It seems that you have told the truth.
You ...............................................................................
21) I'm sure he didn't say such a thing about her.
He can't .................................................................
22) They started building that hospital one year ago.
They have ...............................................................
23) The patient was made to give up smoking by the doctor.
The doctor.................................................................
24)He worried too much about the weekend party but it all went off perfectly.
He needn't.....................................................
25) "You'd better not leave so early, John," said Lucy.
Lucy advised........................................................

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Criii211
1. Actually, she managed to get the loan at last.
2. I last met them several years ago.
3. Nothing could be done to help them.
4. They may have quarrelled again.
5. We didn't expect him to pass the exam.
6. Years ago, flying used to be an impossible dream.
7. It was such a violent film that I felt like fainting.
8. I'll call him as soon as I lay the table.
9. It's a 20 minutes walk to school.
10. The only one who didn't agree with her qas George.
11. Neither Mary or John would tell you this secret.
12. Despite the fact that she tried hard, she couldn't do the problem.
13. She may be successful one day. (nu stiu cum sa o transform altfel)
14. nu stiu
15. If you don't like footbal, you won't ever go to football matches.
16. Peter doesn't visit his neighbours too often.
17. The last time you wrote her was 3 years ago.
18. Dictionaries must bot be used during the test.
19. No matter how hard she tries, she still can't do it.
20. You seem to have told the truth.
21. He can't have said such a rhing about ger.
22. They have been building the hospital hor a year.
23. The doctor made the patient to give up smoking.
24. He needn't have to worry about the weekend party so much.
25. Lucy advised John not to leave that early.
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