Engleza, întrebare adresată de Mihalusha, 9 ani în urmă

report the following :
she said'' why didn't you come to support our team?"
he said"last week we had an interesting talk with our coach''
the coach said"i'm sure our team is the best and we will win''
she said''what winter sports can you name?''
she said'' football was inventedet in great britain''

geniu32: Dar celelalte cinci te rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Report the following.

Folosiţi vorbirea indirectă (reported speech)

1. She said, "Why didn't you come to support our team?"

She asked me why I hadn't come to support their team.

2. He said, "Last week we had an interesting talk with our coach".

He said that last week they had had an interesting talk with their coach.

3. The coach said, "I'm sure our team is the best and we will win".

The coach said that he was sure that their team was the best and they would win.

4. She said, "What winter sports can you name?"

She asked me what winter sports I could name.

5. She said, " Football was invented in Great Britain".

She said that football had been invented in Great Britain.



Atunci când verbul din propoziţia principală (She said, he asked etc.) este la un timp trecut, atunci se schimbă şi timpurile verbale din propoziţia sau propoziţiile secundare, ordonându-se cronologic.


1. Present Tense devine Past Tense:

She said: "I am sure you are ok." >> She said that she was sure I was ok.

2. Past Tense devine Past Perfect:

She said: "I was sure you were ok." >> She said that she had been sure I had been ok.

3. Future devine Conditional Present:

She said: "I will look for you" >> She said that she would look for me.

Există mai multe reguli, dar în termeni generali ideea de bază explicată mai sus trebuie avută în vedere.

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