Report the sentences in exercise using explained or complained.
1. Paul said crossly: You don't always listen properly, Nick.
Paul complained that Nick didn't always listen properly.
2.Nick said crossly"You changed the whole story, Jane.
3.Mr.Dixon said: I bought the ticket.
4. Jane said to her dad: You're not listening to me!
5. Paul (to Nick): I'm really happy, my dad's going to buy me a new Walkman.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Hi there!
Report the sentences in exercise, using explained or complained.
Trece propozitiile la vorbirea indirecta, folosind “a explicat” sau “s-a plans ca”
1.Paul said crossly: You don't always listen properly, Nick.
Paul complained that Nick didn't always listen properly.
2.Nick said crossly"You changed the whole story, Jane.
Nick complained that Jane had changed the whole story.
3.Mr.Dixon said: I bought the ticket.
Mr Dixon explained that he had bought the ticket.
4. Jane said to her dad: You're not listening to me!
Jane complained that her dad was not listening to her.
5.Paul (to Nick): I'm really happy, my dad's going to buy me a new Walkman.
Paul explained to Nick that he was very happy , his dad was going to buy him a new Walkman.
Vorbirea indirecta se foloseste pentru a transmite ceea ce altcineva a spus. De cele mai multe ori, verbul din propozitia principala este la timpul trecut (he said that, he told me,he explained, he complained etc). Nu putem avea timp trecut in principala si timp prezent in secundara. Si-atunci, timpurile din propozitia secundara se vor transforma, astfel:
-present simple in past simple(vezi propozitiile 1 si 5);
-present continuous in past continuous;(vezi propozitia 4 )
-past simple in past perfect simple; (vezi propozitiile 2 si 3)