Engleza, întrebare adresată de matyimobiliare, 8 ani în urmă

Report what they said.
"It was a fantastic experience and we*ll defenitely be here again next year,"James & Lily said.
"My friends and i have never had so much fun in our lives"Kate said.
"I*m already looking forword to next year*s event ,"Cindi said
"I wasn*t planning to go ,but my friends persuaded me ,"Paul said

matyimobiliare: help

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim


Lily and James said that it was a fantastic experience and they'll defenitely be here again next year

Kate said that her friends and she have never had so much fun in their lives

Cindi said that she's already looking forword to next year*s event

Paul said that he wasn*t planning to go ,but his friends persuaded him

sper ca e corect

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