Engleza, întrebare adresată de vulpeloredanaow66mr, 8 ani în urmă

reported speech
va rogggg ajutați mă e urgent, dau coroana ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de justin797


2-they'r mother told them, to not play near the road becouse its too dangerous

3-he asked her to take the dog for a walk, explaining that he is busy

4-she told me not to ask simon how to use the computer, since he dosen't know anything about them

5-he asked her to borrow his pen, explaining that she needs to write something

6-the teacher warned them not to talk, because they are taking a test

7-she asked him to turn off the TV since he isn't watching it

8-he asked Mary to come to they're house becouse Jim wants to see her

9-he asked her if she read the newspaper becouse he wants to read it too

10-she said the baby should be asleep since it's ten o'clock

11-he asked her why she is litsening to the music since its awful

12-he asked her if she wants to go to the cinema since there is a good film on

13-she said she dosen't want any more cake becouse she has had enough

14-she said she is learning french explaining that she is going to Paris on holiday

15-he said he likes Susan becouse she is very friendly

16-she said that Tom is a good buisnessman explaining that he works hard

17-she said she likes learning english becouse it isn't too difficult

18-she said she's teaching Jane's class since she is on holiday this week

19-he told Bill to open up his own restaurant becouse he is a very good cook

20-he said that Sarah would like to own the house since she's lived here for a long time

21-he told June that he could become famous, since he is a very good singer

22-he asked Jane if she is going to take the job or if she will wait for a better one

23-she said that she needs to buy some oil, explaining that there is no more left

24-she asked me to phone Julie explaining that she has had a fight with Mark

25-she asked when will May be back since she's been away all week

26-he asked his wife if they should try a new restaurant tonight, explaining that he heard its very good

27-she said to me that if anyone phones, to tell them she wont be here untill tomorrow

28-John said to Mary, that if he cant come to the wedding, he will let her know tomorrow

29-he asked her if he should tell Tom about the trip or if she wants to do it

30-Julian said that Sophia shouldn't have said that to the boss explaining that he is very angry

31-she said she'd love to go to Venice since she's never been abroad

32-Samantha said she must go now explaining that she might miss the bus

vulpeloredanaow66mr: nu e bine
vulpeloredanaow66mr: nu trebuie făcut cu translate
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