Engleza, întrebare adresată de gheortuionelamariana, 8 ani în urmă

rețetă de salata de fructe un engleza dau coorooanaaaaaa​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de hahaha5262


So the ingridients for a fruit salad are:

-1 banana

-3 strawberryes

-1 apple

-and some pineapple

First we add the banana, after we cut and put the strawberryes and after the apple and the pineapple. You cand add a little sauce of chocolate if you want and that's it!

Sper ca te am ajutat. Coronita?

Răspuns de raluca00712


Hello ! Today i am going to share with you a fruit salad recipe !( For one person)

So , we need :

-1 bananas

-1 apple

-1 kiwi

- some slices of pineapple about 5/10(if you don't like it , don't put it )

-3  strawberries

- 1 knife

-a bowl in which we will make the salad

-a wooden or plastic shredder

-and if you want you can add another  fruits

-and a fork or spoon

We will start with washing and peeling the fruits. If you don't want apple peel , remove it.

We will make the diced fruits on a wooden or plastic chopper, with the help of a knife.

We put the fruits in the bowl, we mix it what we will eat (fork or spoon) , and done! You can share it with your friends ! Hope you like it !


sper sa te ajute

                  coroana ?(〃 ̄︶ ̄)人

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