Engleza, întrebare adresată de handcapetion, 8 ani în urmă

A on
18 I have an appointment ..... 10 o'clock.
B in
19 Bob is on holiday with ..... best friend.
A him
B he
20 ..... time to do the shopping yesterday.
A didn't have B don't have hadn't
21 Where ..... you when I called last night?
A be
B were C was
22 All of us ..... by bus to France last year.
A travelled
B travels
C used to travel
23 Our Maths teacher, Mr Grey, ..... last month.
A retires
B retired
C used to retire
24 That's Mr and Mrs Cox. The car outside is
A their B theirs C them
25 This ..... vase is extremely beautiful.
A big, blue, Venetian, crystal
B blue, big, crystal, Venetian
Yenetian, crystal, big, blue​


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