Engleza, întrebare adresată de Landers2022, 8 ani în urmă

Rewrite each sentence or question so it has the same meaning. Use used to.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard

The verbal construction „used to”



1. I was in the school tennis team.

  • I used to be in the school tennis team.

2. Sophie had long hair when she was at school.

  • Sophie used to have long hair when she was at school.

3. Mary didn't listen when her teachers were speaking.

  • Mary didn't use to listen when her teachers were speaking.

4. Ricardo got up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics.

  • Ricardo used to get up at 6.00 when he was training for the Olympics.

5. What did you usually do on Saturday evenings?

  • What did you usually use to do on Saturday evenings?

6. Becky was afraid of dogs when she was a girl.

  • Becky used to be afraid of dogs when she was a girl.

7. We always gave our teachers presents at the end of term.

  • We always used to give our teachers presents at the end of term.

8. Did you live next door to Mrs Harrison?

  • Did you use to live next door to Mrs Harrison?

9. My brother wore glasses when he was small.

  • My brother used to wear glasses when he was small.

10. Did Martin learn German at school?

  • Did Martin use to learn German at school?


"Used to + infinitive":

Folosim această construcție pentru a vorbi despre obișnuințe și acțiuni repetate în trecut, care nu mai au loc în prezent. De asemenea, folosim această construcție pentru a exprima stări din trecut care nu mai sunt valabile în prezent.


  • I used to have short hair (but now I have long hair).
  • He used to cook for dinner (but now he doesn't cook any longer).
  • They used to camp in the mountains (but now they camp at the seaside).

Atenție! Enunțurile negative și interogative nu folosesc „used to”, ci „use to” ca în exemplele de mai jos:

  • Did you use to be nice to your friends?
  • Did they use to go to the pool?
  • I didn't use to like coffee, but I do now.
  • She didn't use to make cakes, but she does now.


Un exercițiu similar, cu mai multe construcții de acest tip, se găsește aici: https://brainly.ro/tema/706858

Landers2022: Mulțumesc
Leonard: Cu plăcere!
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