Engleza, întrebare adresată de elenapas, 8 ani în urmă

Rewrite the following sentences using personal and impersonal passive structures.

Exemple: 1. They say Jane is clever. → It is said that Jane is clever. → Jane is said to be clever.

2. People think that John cheated. → It is thought that John cheated. → John is thought to cheat / have cheated.

3.They understood that the plan had failed.

4.They know she was telling the truth.

5. People expect he will go to university

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de loredanaschneid
  1. example
  2. example
  3. They understood that the plan had failed.=> It is understood that the plan had failed. => The plan is understood to have had failed.
  4. They know she was telling the truth => It is known that she was telling the truth. => She is known to tell the truth.
  5. People expect he wil go to university. => It is expected that he will go to university. => He is expected to go to university.
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