Engleza, întrebare adresată de maximmaria152415, 8 ani în urmă

Rewrite the folowing sentinces in reported speech:
Jill has broken my computer! Thomas said.
Trachy har been studying here all day,he said.
”James will make dinner tomorrow”, she said.
”I broke my nose last week”, Helen said.
“He likes horror films”, she said.”I’m celebrating my birthday this Saturday”, Greg said.
”Put all your things in the closet!”, mother told Alison.
“I’ll go to the doctor next week”, Paul said.
“Have you seen this film?”, Ann asked her friend.
‘Don’t speak so loudly in the class!”.the teacher told the students.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de he1mione

Thomas said that Jill broke his computer.

He said that Trachy has been studying here all day.

She said that James will make dinner tomorrow.

Helen said that she broke her nose last week.

She said that he likes horror films.

Greg said that he's celebrating his birthday on Saturday.

Mother told Alison to put all her things in the closet.

Paul said he'll go to the doctor next week.

Ann asked her friend if she has seen this film.

Teacher told the students to not speak so loudly in class.

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