Engleza, întrebare adresată de czokosildiko, 10 ani în urmă

Rewrite the phrases,putting the words in brakets in the correct place.
Three sophisticated Italian women (young)
Three sophisticated young Italian women

1.An interesting eighteenth-century painting (oil)
2.Short curly hair (dark)
3.An American TV game show (amusing)
4.A confortable old sofa (leather)
5.A wooden kitchen table (large)
Plese HELP me!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard



Rewrite the phrases, putting the words in brakets in the correct place.

Rescrieți enunțurile, amplasând corect cuvintele din paranteze.



Three sophisticated Italian women (young)

Three sophisticated young Italian women


1. An interesting eighteenth-century oil painting.

2. Short dark curly hair.

3. An amusing American TV game show

4. A comfortable leather old sofa

5. A large wooden kitchen table



Ordinea cuvintelor (articolelor, numeralelor, adjectivelor sau a altor substantive) amplasate înaintea substantivelor:

a) Articolul hotărât sau nehotărât (a/an/the)

b) Cantitate/Număr (four, twenty)

c) Calitate/Însușire (beautiful, amazing, ugly, impolite)

d) Dimensiune (big, little, huge)

e) Vârsta (old/young)

f) Forma (round, disk-șhaped)

g) Culoarea (green, blue, white)

h) Adjectiv scris cu majusculă (American, Romanian, Latin)

i) Cuvântul care arată scopul sau domeniul (driving, sports, jumping, chemical)

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