Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Rewrite the senteces using passive voice:
1)She bought four apples.
2)We won the match.
3)The man stole the blue car.
4)The police arrested the thieves.
5)Jack swam the 200 meters.
6)The dog bit the old lady.
7)Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.
8)Oliver taught the children.
9)Victoria rode the brown horse.
10)Grandmother told good stories.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de claudiabadea
1. Four apples were bought
2. The match was won
3. The car was stolen
4. The thieves were arrested
5. 200 m were swum
6. the old lady was bitten
7. 5 hamburgers were eaten
the children were taught
the brown horse was ridden
good stories were told by my grandmother
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