Engleza, întrebare adresată de merry1326, 8 ani în urmă

Rewrite the sentences:
1. The students aren't working very hard because they are preety tired.
If they ...................
2. They don't know the answer so they can't tell us.
If they ...................
3. Walter lost his keys.He couldn't open the door.
If he ...............
4. I'm not very good at Maths so I won't become an engineer.
If I ..................
5. Marius works very hard so he has no time to spend with this family.
If he ..................
6. The girls haven't learn for today. They have just got bad marks.
If they ............ ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Skieppie

1 If they wouldn't be so tired, they would work harder

2 If they knew the answer, they would've told us

3 If he hadn't lost his keys, he could've opened the door

4 if I'm not good at maths I won't become an engineer

5 If he wouldn't be working so hard, he would have time to spend with his family

6 If they had learnes for today, they wouldn't have gotten bad grades

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Matematică, 8 ani în urmă