rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs of frenquency in the brackets in their corresct place

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Rewrite the sentences putting the adverbs of frenquency in the brackets in their correct place.
Rescrieți enunțurile punând adverbele de frecvență din paranteze în poziția lor corectă.
1. We always have breakfast .
2. Tom is never late .
3. They often do their homework in the evening .
4. You usually get up at 7 o'clock .
5. I am sometimes early for school .
6. The students always finish lessons at lunch time .
7. We usually have a maths test on Mondays .
8. Kim never wakes up early.
Adverbe de frecvență: seldom, often, always, never, sometimes, generally, frequently, rarely, ever etc.
Poziția adverbelor de frecvență:
a. înaintea verbului:
She often reads in the evening.
We sometimes make mistakes.
b. după verbul „to be”:
You are generally right.
He is never late for college.
c. între verbul auxiliar și verbul de conjugat
They have seldom explored all the opportunities.
He will always appreciate your kind gesture.
d. înainte de „used to” și „have to”
I sometimes used to be too sensitive to their words.
They often have to check the text once again.