Engleza, întrebare adresată de adrianaconstantin747, 8 ani în urmă

Rewrite the sentences, using the prompt. Do not change the prompt and make the necessary changes.
1. "Don't forget to lock the door when you leave,"he said to his wife.
Reminded - He reminded his wife to lock the door when she left. (exemplu)

2. "You're right, it's a little late,"she said.
Agreed - She ___________ a little late.

3. "Will I ever see her again?"he asked himself.
Wondered - He _________ see her again.

4. "I'm sorry I broke the window," he said.
Apologised - He _________ the window.

5. "What a wonderful garden you have!" she said.
Exclaimed - She ____________ a wonderful garden.

6. "Stop the car immediately!" the policeman said to him.
Order - The policeman __________ the car immediately.

7. "You mustn't leave the house," our father told us.
Forbade - Our father __________ the house.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim





5.'s (She's)

6.stop it


adrianaconstantin747: Nu prea are sens....
Răspuns de PufarinaPufy
2. She is agreeing that it’s a little late.

3.He is wondering if he ever see her again.

4.He is aplogising for broking
the window.

6. The policeman is ordering to stop the car immediately.

7. Out father is forbidding us to don’t leave the house.

La 5 nu am știut.

Sper ca te-am ajutat:)

adrianaconstantin747: ..... ?
adrianaconstantin747: Nu înțeleg...
adrianaconstantin747: Ok!
adrianaconstantin747: Mersi oricum!
adrianaconstantin747: ❤︎
adrianaconstantin747: ^^
adrianaconstantin747: Bine!
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