Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreutza48, 8 ani în urmă

rewrite the sentences with new subject:
1Kate like to eat an ice-cream. (l)
2We go to the zoo every Sunday.(Sam)
3 The boys play fotball well.(Tom)
4My brother speaks English well.(They)
5The girls like to draw dolls.(My sister)
6 I play conputer games every day .(Pam)

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard


Rewrite the sentences with new subject

Rescrieți enunțurile folosind noul subiect (din paranteze)

1. Kate likes to eat an ice-cream. (l)

I like to eat an ice cream.

2. We go to the zoo every Sunday. (Sam)

Sam goes to the zoo every Sunday.

3. The boys play football well. (Tom)

Tom plays football well.

4. My brother speaks English well. (They)

They speak English well.

5. The girls like to draw dolls. (My sister)

My sister likes to draw dolls.

6. I play computer games every day. (Pam)

Pam plays computer games every day.



Acest tip de exercițiu ne ajută să exersăm noțiunile legate de Present Tense Simple.

Prin schimbarea subiectului, vom observa inversarea situației în care se adaugă sau nu se adaugă terminația „-s” sau „-es” caracteristică pentru persoana a III-a singular.


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