Engleza, întrebare adresată de marinacimpoeru923, 7 ani în urmă

Rezolva următoarele exercitiu


marinacimpoeru923: Rezolva urmatorul exercitiu*

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Leonard

Fill in the gaps with have/has been (to) or have/has gone (to).



A: Hi, Roger! Where is everybody? The house is very quiet.

B: Well, Mum 1) has gone to the cinema with Mavis.

A: How about your sister?

B: She's having a shower right now because she 2) has been the gym.

A: I 3) have been to the gym twice this week. It's really exhausting.

B: As for Dad, he 4) has gone to the library to get some books.

A: So, how about going to that new café that's just opened near the park?

B: Oh, I 5) have been there. It isn't that great. Why don't we call Steve and go to the basketball court?

A: Okay, let's do that instead.​


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