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Răspunsuri la întrebare
exercițiul 11:
1) Lived
2) worked
3) didn't like
4) decided
5) appeared
6) published
7) traveled
8) visited
9) loved
10) died
1. When/ Charles Dickens/live/in/ England?
A: When did Charles Dickens live in England?
B: He lived in England in the 19th century.
2. Where/be/his/first job/?
A: Where was his first job?
B: His first job was in a office.
3. When/he/publish/his first novel/?
A: When did he published his first novel?
B: He published his first novel in 1837.
4. why/travel/to America/in 1842/?
A: Why did he traveled to America in 1842?
B: He traveled to America in 1842, because he wants to talk about his books.
5. When/visit/America/again/?
A: When did he visit America again?
B: He visited America again in 1864.
6. Where/die/?
A: Where did he die?
B: He die three years later on June 9th 1870.
exercițiul 12:
Tony: Hi, Anna! 1) Did you watch the college basketball game last night?
Anna: Yes, I really 2)enjoyed it.
Tony: Me too. Your brother Ben 3)played very well.
Anna: I know. We 4) celebrated with a great meal after the game.
Tony: That sounds nice. 5)Did you stay at home?
Anna: No, our mum 6) didn't cook dinner. We 7) decide to go to a restaurant.
Tony: Really? 8) Did you order pizza?
Anna: Yes, we did and it was delicious!
exercițiul 13:
aici ar trebuii să scrii exerciții despre tine
(ai putea de exemplu, să scrii pe Google Translate dacă dorești)
La prima ai de scris ce ai făcut ieri după-amiaza
La a doua ai de scris ce ai făcut noaptea trecută
La a treia a de scris ce ai făcut anul trecut
La a patra ai de scris ce ai făcut trei ani mai târziu
Iar la a cincea ai de scris ce ai făcut în 2012.
Sper că te-am ajutat!!