Engleza, întrebare adresată de bianca2882, 7 ani în urmă

rezolvati exercițiul din poza ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mirelmirea


2. A: I thinck that house over there is on fire!

B: Oh no! I will phone the fire brigade.

3. A: My tea is not sweet enough.

B: I will get you some sugar.

4. A: Have you finished you homework yet?

B: No, but I'm going to stau late and finish it.

5. A:Will you have another piece of cake?

B: No thank you I've already had to pieces.

6. A: Do uou want to go to the park this afternoon?

B: I can't. I'm going to visit my grandparents.

7. A:This box is very heavy!

B:I will carry it for you.

8. A:Will you open the window, please?

B: No, it's too cold in here.

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