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Rezumat la filmul A Christmas Carol de Charles Dickens. Din 100 de cuvinte. Va rog catcmai repede,dau 5 stele​.

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The main character, a miserable old man named Ebenezer Scrooge. He is a rich moneylender who, on Christmas Eve, is visited by his nephew Fred and two gentlemen collecting money for charity. Scrooge dismisses all of the visitors stating that he doesn't care about Christmas and that the poor don't deserve his charity since they only have themselves to blame. He is unkind to his overworked and underpaid employee Bob Cratchit; he only begrudgingly offers Bob Christmas Day off with pay. Then, Scrooge goes home where he is visited by the ghost of his old business partner, Jacob Marley. Marley warns Scrooge of the fate he will suffer if he doesn't change his ways. Before disappearing, Marley tells Scrooge that he will be visited by three other ghosts.

Scrooge falls asleep but is soon awoken by the elderly yet youthful Ghost of Christmas Past, who takes Scrooge to times when he was more innocent. After Scrooge's loneliness at school and his close relationship with his sister Fan are revealed, they revisit his old employer Fezziwig's Christmas party. Scrooge rewatches how his fiance Belle ends their relationship as Scrooge has been neglecting her in favour of money. She laments that he will never love anything more than money. The Ghost then takes Scrooge to the present, where Belle is happily married, celebrating Christmas Eve with her big family. Scrooge cannot listen to the terrible description Belle gives of him and demands to be taken back to his house.

Again, Scrooge is awakened by a spirit, this time the joyful Ghost of Christmas Present. After showing scenes of the Christmas spirit, they watch the meagre but happy Christmas that Bob Cratchit celebrates. The Ghost warns that Bob's kind, crippled son Tiny Tim will soon die if nothing is changed. After observing more Christmas celebrations, such as at Fred's house, two ragged children crawl out from the Ghost. The Ghost of Christmas Present introduces them as Ignorance and Want and warns Scrooge to be wary of them, especially of the first. Scrooge is concerned by their emancipated appearance, which the Ghost mocks by quoting Scrooge's heartless remarks about the poor from earlier.

The final spirit visits Scrooge, the silent Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. This spirit shows Scrooge scenes of people discussing an unnamed man who died alone. Many are disinterested, only toying with the idea of attending the funeral for a free lunch. Some take the opportunity to steal possessions, even the clothes the dead man should have been wearing in the coffin. Shocked, Scrooge realises he is the dead man and demands the Ghost to take him to someone who cares that he died. Scrooge visits a poor couple who are happy about the delay in their debt repayments, only made possible by Scrooge's death. Wanting to see some tenderness connected with death, Scrooge is then taken to Tiny Tim's funeral. After seeing his own neglected grave, Scrooge pledges to become more generous and kind.

Scrooge wakes up as a changed man on Christmas Day. Joyous, he buys a huge turkey for the Cratchit family and donates a considerable sum of money to the gentlemen he had previously turned away. After spending Christmas with Fred's family, he supports Bob Cratchit and his family, making sure that Tiny Tim survives.


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