Engleza, întrebare adresată de robirobi515da, 9 ani în urmă

Rezumat Lectiei always have coffee in engleza
p.s daca in 5 ore se poate

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Răspuns de ValiGrz
Bonjovi is one of biggest rock bands.Jon usually gets up from 9-10,he likes to be fit,he never diets and eats lots of junk food.He gives 6-7 interviews daily.They usually travel from their gigs in minibuses.The windows are dark colored so people cant see them.On long distances they take the plane or the helicopter but they consider its very boring.At show time Bon Jovi goes on the stage and stars their show .The concert takes 2 hours and after the show they go to a restaurant

robirobi515da: Multumesc chiar daca ne-a ascultat de mult la lectie !
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