Rog mult 50 de puncte urgent The siquence of tenses (plan prezent) 9 propozitii( simultanietate, anterioritate.posterioritate)
The siquence of tenses (plan trecut) 9 propozitii(simultanietate. Anteriorietate. Posteriorietate)
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. Cand vb din prop principala este la prezent in subordonate putem folosi orice timp.
Ex. I know that he will help me.
Mary is writing a composition about what she did during her summer holiday.
2. Cand vb din principala este la viitor , vb din secundara poate fi la viitor sau prezent.
Ex. Jack will tell us everything when he comes.
I will let you know what will happen in case you don't come.
Atentie!!!!!! In prop subordonate circumstantiale de timp, ca si in cele conditionale, Nu se foloseste niciun fel de timp viitor format cu ajutorul vb auxiliar shall, will, should, would. Aceste propozitii pot fi introduse prin: when, before, after, while, till, until, as soon as, as long as, by the time (that), if. Asadar daca subordonata este intridusa prin IF sau WHEN, dar este completiva directa se poate folosii viitorul.
Ex. I m sure you don't know when he will be back.
He wonders if Mary will come in time.
3. Cand in principala vb este la trecut, in secundare vb trebuie sa fie tot la un timp trecut.(past tense, past perfect, future in the past)
Ex. I waited in the sitting room as she was sleeping.
They were sure they had never seen her before.
You promised me you would be there in time.
A) cand in subordonata avem un adevar general valabil.
Ex. She knew very well that the Earth is round.
The teacher explained to us that the water boils at 100C.
B) in prop atributive timpul folosit este cel cerut de context.
Ex. That man who is here is my teacher.
C) atunci cand timpul de desfasurare a actiunii subordonata este de timpul actiunii din principala, in subordonata se poste folosi orice timp cerut de context.
Ex. I refused to go with you to the cinema because I never go to the cinema on Sunday.
She enjoyed the concert so much that she will never forget it.
D) in prop comparativa introdusa prin as, that, as well as, as much as timpul vb este cel cerut de context.
Ex. I enjoyed spending the holidays at the seaside more than I will ever enjoy a holiday in the mountains.
E) fraza conditionala are propriile reguli de corespondenta.
F) prezentul istoric poate fi folosit in locul trecutului .
Ex. I went in, turned on the light and what I see: a man sitting in the middle of the room and is starting at me with only on eye! Am intrat, am aprins lumina, si ce vad: un om sta in mijlocul camerei si se holbeaza la mine cu un singur ochi!
Sper sa te ajute explicatia mea!!!!!!!
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