Engleza, întrebare adresată de Cutie, 9 ani în urmă

Sa se termine compunerea dupa inceputul dat:

Last winter I spent my holidays in the mountains. There I had the adventure of my life time...(150 de cuvinte cu tot cu inceputul dat)

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim
Last winter I spent vacations in the mountains. There I had my life time adventure where I landed on a mountain sled . Let me explain better. Mother and I along with my father and sister I walked quietly through the mountains. My mother gave my sister sled sleigh iareu dad . I was in a nice atmosphere until I lose the sled controls and not to give a child go to the first tree they see . I am the father jumped into the snow and sleigh made ​​pieces.
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