Engleza, întrebare adresată de ovidiubn, 9 ani în urmă

Salut ! Am nevoie de o scrisoare informala in care sa dau sfaturi unui prieten,el fiind nefericit la scoala. In limba engleza. Va rog sa raspundeti cat mai repede daca se poate :)

nokia2700: Hi, trebuie de respectat structura scrisorii? Sau ca eseu tot e ok?
ovidiubn: E ok si ca eseu,pt ca inceputul cu dear x si finalul le fac eu

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nokia2700
Hi, Andrew, I'm sorry to hear you're unhappy at your new school. I would like to advice you to wait, it will take some time, before you are fully familiar with the new school, you should try to meet new people, with same interests as you, try socializing with your classmates and spend time with them, join some extracurricular activities that fit you the best, try exploring the new school, it's a new building, it will take time for you to feel safe and comfortable here.
Teachers are also having another teaching techniques, until you get used to them, try studying by yourself as well, it will make you understand the subjects better. Good luck!

ovidiubn: Multumesc frumos :)
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