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Ex 12: Identify the tenses in bold then match them to their use.

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
Identify the tenses in bold, then match them to their use.
Identificați timpurile verbale scrise cu litere îngroșate, apoi potriviți-le cu modul de folosire.
Answer / Răspuns:
1. By the time I arrived at the university, the lecture had already finished.
- c) action completed in the past before another past action (Past Perfect Simple).
Până când am ajuns la universitate, cursul se terminase deja.
2. Dean was running in the park at 7 am yesterday morning.
- d) action which was in progress at a stated time in the past (Past Tense Continuous)
Dean alerga prin parc ieri la 7 dimineața.
3. Sharon went to the funfair on Sunday.
- a) action completed at a definite time in the past (Past Tense Simple)
Sharon a mers la bâlci/iarmaroc duminică.
4. Suki had been waiting outside the restaurant for twenty minutes before her friends arrived.
- b) action which started and continued for some time before another past action, with emphasis on its duration (Past Perfect Continuous)
Suki așteptase în afara restaurantului timp de douăzeci de minute înainte ca prietenii ei să fi ajuns.
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