Engleza, întrebare adresată de Completea, 8 ani în urmă

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“They both die at the end” is a story about Mateo and Rufus, guys with totally different personalities, who live in New York. One day they both receive a phone call from Death-Cast, a company that tells people the day they’re going to die. The only thing they tell you is that it’s going to happen in 24 hours.
Mateo is a shy guy so he decides to make the most out of his last day and download an app called “Last friend”, that connects people that got phone calls that day and allows them to meet on their End Day. That’s how him and Rufus meet and spend their last day together.
“They both die at the end” is not your typical book, it’s more like a story about two random people who are doomed and are living their best last moments. They’re trusting a stranger and are trying to fix things and make everything right for their loved ones before they go.
This book may sound a bit dark and depressing but it’s really not, but at the same time its not bright and full of hope either.
I think that “They both die at the end” is supposed to show us how powerful bonds can be, even if they’re formed under stressful situations. This book opened my eyes and made me realise that apart from death, everything is a choice we make. Becoming friends with people, hanging out, trusting, everything was a choice and destiny had nothing do to there.
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