Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kroung, 9 ani în urmă

Salut. , ma ajutati si pe mine..
1, Correct each sentence or question.
a I doesn't likes this film | don't like
b What do you wants? | .......
c. Jim walk sometimes to school. | ........
d. When the lesson begins? | ............
e. I don't gets up early on Saturdays | ........
f/ Tina not like computer games | ..........
g. Alex watchs television every night. | .......

2 . Complete each sentence with one word. Contractions are one word.
a. What do you usually eat for lunch ?
b. George and Terrry.......... speak Portuguese. They speak English
c. It's 9.30 and the children.............. sitting at their desks.
d ken .................. like tea. In fact he hales it.
e. When it rains .............. you take an umbrella?
f. What.......... it say on the board? I can't see from here.

3. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
1 Every day frank .... to work. | A.goes B,is going C.go
2. Stop it! .... it! | A. I'm not linking B . I don't like C. I not like
3.What ..... ? Is it an orange ? | A.you are eating. B.are yoy eating. C.do you eat
4.Anna fels ill so she .... basketball. | A.doesn't play B. isn't play C. isn't playing
5. Pay attention Philip! .... ? | A. Do you liste B.Is it listening C.Are you listening.
6.Excuse me ..... to the city cenire ? | A.this bus goes B DOes this bus go C. Is this bus go

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
1, Correct each sentence or question.
a I doesn't likes this film | don't like
b What do you wants? | ....WANT...
c. Jim walk sometimes to school. | ...WALKS.....
d. When the lesson begins? | .....WHEN DOES THE LESSON BEGIN ?
e. I don't gets up early on Saturdays | ......GET UP ..
f/ Tina not like computer games | ..TINA DOESN'T LIKE........
g. Alex watchs television every night. | ....WATCHES...

2 . Complete each sentence with one word. Contractions are one word.
a. What do you usually eat for lunch ?
b. George and Terry......DON'T.... speak Portuguese. They speak English
c. It's 9.30 and the children.....ARE......... sitting at their desks.
d ken .....DOESN'T............. like tea. In fact he haTes it.
e. When it rains ...DO........... you take an umbrella?
f. What...DOES...... it say on the board? I can't see from here.

3. Choose the most suitable word or phrase for each space.
1 Every day Frank .GOES... to work. | A.goes B,is going C.go
2. Stop it! ..I DON'T LIKE.. it! | A. I'm not linking B . I don't like C. I not like
3.What ..ARE YOU EATING... ? Is it an orange ? | A.you are eating. B.are you eating. C.do you eat
4.Anna feels ill so she ..ISN'T PLAYING.. basketball. | A.doesn't play B. isn't play C. isn't playing
5. Pay attention Philip! .ARE YOU LISTENING... ? | A. Do you liste B.Is it listening C.Are you listening.
6.Excuse me ..DOES THIS BUS GO... to the city centre ? | A.this bus goes B DOes this bus go C. Is this bus go

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