Informatică, întrebare adresată de andreistancu96, 8 ani în urmă

Salut ! Ma puteti ajuta si pe mine va rog la acesta problema ? lucrez la sololearn c# si am intampinat aceasta problema :

The music app you enjoy allows you to choose 5 music genres to follow.
The program you are given takes 5 music genres as input and stores them in the MusicGenres object as an array.
Fix the program by declaring an indexer inside the MusicGenres class so that the given outputs work correctly.

Sample Input
Hip Hop

Sample Output
Following: Blues
Following: Rock
Following: Hip Hop
Following: Country
Following: Soul


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Rayzen

//declare an indexer

public string this[int index]


   get { return genres[index]; }

   set { genres[index] = value; }


andreistancu96: am mai audaugat inca o intrebare pe brainly ,ma poti ajuta si acolo,te rog frumos !
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