Franceza, întrebare adresată de RaresMihai1312, 9 ani în urmă

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In rutina obișnuită a lui Katherine făcea parte si plimbarea pe plajă cand rasarea soarele. Adora acest moment al zilei deoarece atunci era plaja cea mai pasnica, fara vreun suflet de om. Cand ajunse la locul ei favorit s-a asezat pe stanca cea mai inalta si a ascultat tulburarea mării. In timp ce se scufunda in ganduri melancolice a auzit un sunet ciudat de sticla care se ciocnea de pietre. A incercat sa ignore dar sunetul persista si o ardea curiozitatea asa ca a verificat sursa zgomotului. Banuiala ei s-a adeverit. Nerăbdătoare a sărit de pe piatră si a pescuit sticla ca mai apoi sa o arunce la cosul de reciclare, insa a observat in interiorul acesteia o scrisoare. Sa- asezat comfortabil in nisipul incalzit de primele raze ale soarelui si a incepjt sa citeasca.
"Dragule cititor,
In primul rand as dorii sa ma prezint. Eu sunt Axel si am 20 de ani, desi aceste aspecte nu sunt cele mai interesante, cel mai important e faptul ca ma aflu in anul 3100. Pentru a-ți dovedii ca spun adevarul iti voi divulga niste trasaturi ale viitorului.:in urma incendiilor care au năpustit întreaga lume, toate animalele au fost pe cale de dispariție. Bineînțeles oamenii au trebuit sa reactioneze împotriva acestei tragedii asa că au devenit flexitarieni carnea fiind un aliment aproape inexistent pe piață. Incendiile au trezit sentimentul de unitate in onteriorul oamenilor si și-au dat seama ca shnt inconjurati de semeni si ca certurile sunt inutile, astfel din anul 2195 au incetat toate conflictele si războaiele, punându-se problema sulrapopularii, care nesecita rezolvare. Aceasta a fost rezolvata de agentia spatiala Elon Musk in urmatorii 20 de ani facand habitate locuibile pe Marte pentru aproape jumatate din populatia Terrei.
Oricum cel mai probabil esti interesat de schimbarile cu privire la tehnologie si evplutia societatii. Au aparut masini zburatoare in aproximativ anul 2455, IAR cancerul nu mai este l boala incurabila.
Daca inca nu ne crezi, in sticla ai si o videocapsula pe care o inghiti si in termen scurt vei experimenta cum functioneaza trhnologia din 3100 plus pe lanag asta vei putea vedea si un antepisod din The Mandalorian in care este prezentata povestea lui baby yoda.
Ultima etapa a cercetarilor noastre este calatoria in timp, oamenii de știință au venit cu o noua teorie si anumE ca triunghiul bermudelor ar fi un portal in terdimensional, iar scrisoareA A FOST trimisa pentru a dovedii daca aceasta ipoteza este valida sau nu. Pentru a confirma mitul trimite-ne o scrisoare in care sa ne transmiti daca trecutul s-a modificat in vreun fel.
Cu drag, Axel. "
Katherine ramane in tacere, socata dupa ce a citit scrisoarea, realizand ca a gasit ceva fantastic.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Eelena111


In Katherine's regular routine she was also part of the beach walk when the sun came up. He loved this time of day because it was the most peaceful beach at the time, without any human soul. When she reached her favorite place she sat on the highest rock and listened to the turmoil of the sea. As he sank into melancholy thoughts he heard a strange sound of glass clashing with stones. He tried to ignore but the sound persisted and his curiosity burned so he checked the source of the noise. Her suspicion came true. Eagerly he jumped from the stone and fished the bottle to throw it to the recycling bin, but he noticed a letter inside it. He sat comfortably in the sand heated by the first rays of the sun and began to read. villages to watch the scenes they play.

"Dear reader,

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Axel and I am 20 years old, although these aspects are not the most interesting, the most important thing is that I am in 3100. In order to prove to you that I am telling the truth I will tell you some features of the future. that have ravaged the whole world, all the animals were on the verge of extinction. Of course, people had to react to this tragedy, so that meat became a food almost non-existent on the market. The fires aroused the feeling of unity on the part of the people and they realized that they were not surrounded by their peers and that the quarrels were useless, so from 2195 all conflicts and wars ceased, raising the problem of the overpopulation, which is uncertain. This was solved by the space agency Elon Musk over the next 20 years, making habitable habitats on Mars for almost half of the Earth's population.

However, you are most likely interested in the changes regarding the technology and the evolution of the company. Flying cars appeared in about 2455, and cancer is no longer an incurable disease.

If you still do not believe us, in the glass you also have a video capsule that you swallow and in the short term you will experience how the 3100 plus trhnology works on the chain.

The last stage of our research is time travel, scientists have come up with a new theory and certain that the bermudian triangle would be a three-dimensional portal, and the letter was sent to prove whether this hypothesis is valid or not. To confirm the myth send us a letter to let us know if the past has changed in any way.

Thank you, Axel. "

Katherine remains silent, shocked after reading the letter, realizing she has found something fantastic.


Am tradus cum știu eu mai bine...succes. P.S: nu am folosit translate, fiindcă știu ce știu.

Eelena111: "Cher lecteur,
Tout d'abord, je voudrais me présenter. Je suis Axel et j'ai 20 ans, bien que ces aspects ne soient pas les plus intéressants, le plus important est que je sois en 3100. Afin de vous prouver que je dis la vérité je vais vous dire quelques traits de l'avenir. qui ont ravagé le monde entier, tous les animaux étaient au bord de l'extinction.
Eelena111: Bien sûr, les gens ont dû réagir à cette tragédie, de sorte que la viande est devenue un aliment presque inexistant sur le marché. Les incendies ont suscité un sentiment d'unité chez les gens et ils se sont rendu compte qu'ils n'étaient pas entourés de leurs pairs et que les querelles étaient inutiles, donc à partir de 2195 tous les conflits et guerres ont cessé, posant le problème de la surpopulation, qui est incertain
Eelena111: . Cela a été résolu par l'agence spatiale Elon Musk au cours des 20 prochaines années, créant des habitats habitables sur Mars pour près de la moitié de la population de la Terre.
Eelena111: Cependant, vous êtes très probablement intéressé par les changements concernant la technologie et l'évolution de l'entreprise. Des voitures volantes sont apparues vers 2455, et le cancer n'est plus une maladie incurable.
Eelena111: Si vous ne nous croyez toujours pas, dans le verre, vous avez également une capsule vidéo que vous avalez et à court terme, vous découvrirez comment le 3100 plus tehnology fonctionne sur la chaîne.
Eelena111: La dernière étape de notre recherche est le voyage dans le temps, les scientifiques ont mis au point une nouvelle théorie et certains que le triangle bermudien serait un portail en trois dimensions, et la lettre a été envoyée pour prouver si cette hypothèse est valide ou non.
Eelena111: Pour confirmer le mythe, envoyez-nous une lettre pour nous faire savoir si le passé a changé de quelque façon que ce soit.
Cordialement, Axel. "
Eelena111: Katherine reste silencieuse, choquée après avoir lu la lettre, réalisant qu'elle a trouvé quelque chose de fantastique.
Eelena111: Sper că te-am ajutat....mă descurc bine la franceză, dar am puțin de lucru la verbe..succes
RaresMihai1312: Mersi
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