Engleza, întrebare adresată de Tony13Ro, 8 ani în urmă

Salut !!! Vreau si eu 8 propoziti in Engleza:2cu Positive>ex:I,You,We,They>have got/ 've got
2cu Positive>ex:He,She,It>has got/ 's got
2 cu Negative>ex:I,You,We,They>have not got/haven't got
2 cu Negative>ex:He,She,It>has not got/hasn't got

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lidiahorghidanoyqxp5
I have got a cold last week.
We' ve got a big project ahead of us.

She's got a pretty new coat.
He has got to go to the doctor.

They haven't got the homework yet.
I haven't got your e mail.

She hasn't make a decision about that.
He hasn't played that game.

Tony13Ro: coroana
Tony13Ro: sa iti dau
lidiahorghidanoyqxp5: da o n pisici atunci
Tony13Ro: trebuie doaua raspunsuri ca sa iti dau
lidiahorghidanoyqxp5: e, lasa
Tony13Ro: ba iti promit ca iti dau
Tony13Ro: daca mai vine cineva
Tony13Ro: ok ?
Tony13Ro: pa
lidiahorghidanoyqxp5: pa
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