Engleza, întrebare adresată de mimi565, 8 ani în urmă

Salutare, am nevoie de o poveste în engleză despre animalele din pădure ,cu verbele (to see, to be, to become, to begin, to buy, to bite,to break, to bring, to build, to burn).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de sergiueftenie
i was visiting Caraorman forest with my class ,and our teacher told us to bring matches and wood so we can make a firecamp.We  were so happy to see when the campfire started to actually burn that we were allready thinking to cook some stake on it because we were so hungry but our teacher told us that was an experiment to see how to start up a campfire.When we were leaving the forest we crosspath with a deer.He was so mighty but we were also scared not to bite so we continued walking like nothing happend.
Overall it was good experience and i hope in the future to spend more time in the nature.
Daca nu iti da 10 e proasta !!
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