Engleza, întrebare adresată de KooKoo, 8 ani în urmă

Salutare! Am și eu nevoie de ajutor , va rog! Știu că este o cerință anormală , dar trebuie sa scriu despre o istoria unei familii. Și tema mea este Fnaf /Afton.
Mă puteți ajuta cu informații, va rog!!
Orice idee este mai mult decât folositoare ! Va mulțumesc!!!​

KooKoo: :0 am uitat sa spun ca trebuie in engleză. Scuzati-ma !!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Deni909

The Afton family is a very unfortunate family. All of the family membres died at some point. The first one how died is Clara Afton, the wife, in a driving of a cliff caused by her husband. Next the youngest child, Chris Afton was thr victim of thr Bite Of '87 caused by his older brother, Chris was in a coma and passed away. The middle child Elisabeth Afton died in a accident caused by her favorite animatronic, Baby, how was create by her own father. Next is the oldest Michael Afton how killed his brother by accident. He worked is his father pizzeria ,but dies in Sister Location the place where his sister died by a ,,scooping accident,,. And the man himself, William Afton, or Purple Guy, he owned nad created Fredd Fazbear's Pizzeria, he is the person how actually caused his family to die. He is a cold blooded killer, having had killed at least 6 children. But he dies is the spring suit which he wore while killing. But 30 years later he comes back as Springtrap and in the hope of escaping he burn the former pizzeria which he was sruck in to ashes. But while his family is is a better place he has to live his own Hell, created by his victims.

In conclusion the Afton Family is a very unfortunate family how's demise was brought by William and his herendous acts he did while alive. Other from him no one should have died is such grusome way.

Deni909: adica
georgexd72: că a poate totul a fost în vis
georgexd72: că tot FNAF 1, FNAF 2, FNAF 3 a fost doar un vos
georgexd72: vis
Deni909: da dar cu celelalte FNAF uri alea tot sunt visuri sau?
Deni909: adica FNAF 4 ar fi considerat un vis dar celelate nu prea par asa ceva
DespaAna: Ms si mie imi trebuia
XxImNotRealXx: Elizabeth a fost omorâtă de Circus Baby deoarece Baby a fost programată de William să o omoare(Ori a făcut dintr o greșeală ori pt că a vrut să o omoare cu adevăratelea)
XxImNotRealXx: Iar numele adevarat al lui Crying Child nu este Chris, este decat un fanmade name :))
XxImNotRealXx: Nu mă i au de voi, decât vă spun
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