Engleza, întrebare adresată de CrystalMeow, 9 ani în urmă

Salutare, imi puteti tradce rezumatul acesta de la cartea "Animal farm" de George Orwell

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One night, all the animals at Mr. Jones' Manor Farm assemble in a barn to hear old Major, a pig, describe a dream he had about a world where all animals live free from the tyranny of their human masters. old Major dies soon after the meeting, but the animals — inspired by his philosophy of Animalism — plot a rebellion against Jones. Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, prove themselves important figures and planners of this dangerous enterprise. When Jones forgets to feed the animals, the revolution occurs, and Jones and his men are chased off the farm. Manor Farm is renamed Animal Farm, and the Seven Commandments of Animalism are painted on the barn wall.

Initially, the rebellion is a success: The animals complete the harvest and meet every Sunday to debate farm policy. The pigs, because of their intelligence, become the supervisors of the farm. Napoleon, however, proves to be a power-hungry leader who steals the cows' milk and a number of apples to feed himself and the other pigs. He also enlists the services of Squealer, a pig with the ability to persuade the other animals that the pigs are always moral and correct in their decisions.

Later that fall, Jones and his men return to Animal Farm and attempt to retake it. Thanks to the tactics of Snowball, the animals defeat Jones in what thereafter becomes known as The Battle of the Cowshed. Winter arrives, and Mollie, a vain horse concerned only with ribbons and sugar, is lured off the farm by another human. Snowball begins drawing plans for a windmill, which will provide electricity and thereby give the animals more leisure time, but Napoleon vehemently opposes such a plan on the grounds that building the windmill will allow them less time for producing food. On the Sunday that the pigs offer the windmill to the animals for a vote, Napoleon summons a pack of ferocious dogs, who chase Snowball off the farm forever. Napoleon announces that there will be no further debates; he also tells them that the windmill will be built after all and lies that it was his own idea, stolen by Snowball. For the rest of the novel, Napoleon uses Snowball as a scapegoat on whom he blames all of the animals' hardships.

Much of the next year is spent building the windmill. Boxer, an incredibly strong horse, proves himself to be the most valuable animal in this endeavor. Jones, meanwhile, forsakes the farm and moves to another part of the county. Contrary to the principles of Animalism, Napoleon hires a solicitor and begins trading with neighboring farms. When a storm topples the half-finished windmill, Napoleon predictably blames Snowball and orders the animals to begin rebuilding it.

Napoleon's lust for power increases to the point where he becomes a totalitarian dictator, forcing "confessions" from innocent animals and having the dogs kill them in front of the entire farm. He and the pigs move into Jones' house and begin sleeping in beds (which Squealer excuses with his brand of twisted logic). The animals receive less and less food, while the pigs grow fatter. After the windmill is completed in August, Napoleon sells a pile of timber to Jones; Frederick, a neighboring farmer who pays for it with forged banknotes. Frederick and his men attack the farm and explode the windmill but are eventually defeated. As more of the Seven Commandments of Animalism are broken by the pigs, the language of the Commandments is revised: For example, after the pigs become drunk one night, the Commandment, "No animals shall drink alcohol" is changed to, "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess."

Boxer again offers his strength to help build a new windmill, but when he collapses, exhausted, Napoleon sells the devoted horse to a knacker (a glue-boiler). Squealer tells the indignant animals that Boxer was actually taken to a veterinarian and died a peaceful death in a hospital — a tale the animals believe.

Years pass and Animal Farm expands its boundaries after Napoleon purchases two fields from another neighboring farmer, Pilkington. Life for all the animals (except the pigs) is harsh. Eventually, the pigs begin walking on their hind legs and take on many other qualities of their former human oppressors. The Seven Commandments are reduced to a single law: "All Animals Are Equal / But Some Are More Equal Than Others." The novel ends with Pilkington sharing drinks with the pigs in Jones' house. Napoleon changes the name of the farm back to Manor Farm and quarrels with Pilkington during a card game in which both of them try to play the ace of spades. As other animals watch the scene from outside the window, they cannot tell the pigs from the humans.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Geta1955
Intr-o noapte, toate animalele de la Ferma Conacului dlui. Jones s-au adunat in hambar ca sa il asculte pe batranul Primar, un porc, descriind visul pe care l-a avut despre lumea in care toate animalele traiesc libere de tirania stapanilor oameni. Batranul Primar moare curand dupa intalnire, dar animalele, inspirate de filozofia lui despre animalitate, pun la cale o rascoala impotriva lui Jones. Doi porti, Snowball si Napoleon, se dovedesc a fi figure importante si proiectanti ai acestei initiative periculoase. Cand Jones uita sa hraneasca animalale, are loc revolutia, si Jones si oamenii lui sunt alungati de la ferma. Ferma conacului e redenumita “Ferma Animalelor”, si cele 7 Portunci ale Animalitatii sunt desenate pe peretii hambarului.

La inceput revolutia are success. Animalele finalizeaza recoltarea si se intalnesc in fiecare duminica pentru a dezbate politica fermei. Porcii, din cauza inteligentei lor, devin supraveghetorii fermei. Totusi, Napoleon se dovedeste a fi un lider avid de putere care fura din laptele vacilor si o cantitate de mere pentru a se hrani pe sine si pe ceilalti porci. El inregistraza serviciile lui Squealer, un porc cu abilitati de convingere a celorlalte animale ca porcii sunt intotdeauna morali si corecti in deciziile lor.

Tarziu in toamna, Jones si oamenii lui se intorc la Ferma Animalelor si incearca sa o redobandeasca. Datorita tacticii lui Snowball, animalele il inving pe Jones in ceea ce a devenit dupa aceea cunoscut ca Batalia de la Staul. Vine iarna, si Mollie, un cal sterp care se preocupa doar de panglicile si zaharul ei, este ademenita in afara fermei de un alt om. Snowball face planuri pentru o moara de vant, care va furniza electricitate si astfel le va oferi animalelor mai mult timp liber, dar Napoleon se opune vehement acestui plan, argumentand ca aceasta constructive a mroii de vant le va diminua timpul de fabricare a hranei. In duminica in care porcii supun votului moara de vant, Napoleon convoaca o haita de caini fiorosi, care il alunga pe Snowball din ferma pentru totdeauna. Napoleon anunta ca nu vor mai fi dezbateri; le spune, de asemenea, ca moara de vant va fi construta in cele din urma, si minte ca aceasta a fost ideea lui, dar o furase Snowball. Pana la sfarsitul romanului Napoleon il face pe Snowball tap ispasitor, pe care il acuza de toate greutatile animalelor.

O buna parte din anul urmator e folosita pentru construirea morii de vant. Boxer, un cal extraordinary de puternic se dovedeste a fi cel mai valoros animal in aceasta actiune. Jones, in timpul acesta, renunta la ferma si se muta in alta parte a tarii. Contrar principiului Animalitatii, Napoleon angajeaza un jurist si incepe negocieri cu ferme vecine. Cand o furtuna lasa fara acoperis moara de vant pe jumatate construita, Napoleon, dupa cum se poate banui, il invinovateste pe Snowball si le porunceste animalelor sa inceapa reconstructia morii.

Dorinta de putere a lui Napoleon creste pana cand el devine un dictator totalitar, obligand la marturisiri animale nevinovate si punand cainii sa le omoare in fata intregii ferme. El si porcii se muta in casa lui Jones si incepe sa doarma in paturi (pe care Squealer o scuza cu tipul sau de logica stramba). Animalele primesc din ce in ce mai putina hrana, in timp ce porcii se fac tot mai grasi. Dupa ce moara e finalizata in august, Napoleion ii vinde lui Jones un pachet de busteni; Frederick, un fermier din vecinatate plateste cu banknote false. Frederick si oamenii sai ataca ferma si arunca in aer moara de vant, ulterior fiind infranti. Intrucat tot mai multe dintre cele 7 Porunci ale Animalitatii sunt incalcate de catre porci, limbajul Poruncilor este revizuit. De exemplu, dupa ce porcii se imbata intr-o seara, Porunca “Nici un animal nu va bea alcool” a fost schimbata in “Niciun animal nu va bea alcool in exces”.

Boxer isi ofera iarasi forta pentru a ajuta la construirea noii mori de vant, dar cand el se prabuseste extenuat, Napoleon il vinde pe credinciosul cal unui tip care omoara caii batrani si ii transforma in lipici. Squealer le spune animalelor indignate ca Boxer a fost dus la veterinar si a murit linistit intr-un spital – o poveste pe care animalele o cred.

Anii trec si Ferma Animalelor isi extinde marginile dupa ce Napoleon achizitioneaza doua terenuri de la un fermier vecin, Pilkington. Viata tuturor animalelor (exceptand porcii) e dura. Ulterior, porcii incep sa mearga pe picioarele dinapoi si preiau multe alte calitati ale fostilor lor asupritori umani. Cele Sapte Porunci sunt diminuate la o singura lege “ Toate animalele sunt egale, dar unele sunt mai egale decat celelalte”. Romanul se termina cu Pilkington care bea impreaun cu porcii in casa lui Jones. Napoleon schimba numele fermei in Ferma Conacului si se cearta cu Pilkington in timpul unui joc de carti, cand amandoi incercau sa etaleze asul de pica. Deoarece celelalte animale urmareau scena de afara, prin fereastra, ele nu puteau deosebi porcii de oameni.

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