Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Salutare tuturor, ei bn am de făcut un proiect pt luni la limba engleză .. o sa va zic despre ce e vorba pe scurt.. trebuie sa aleg un obiect, eu am ales ( skateboard-ul) . Trebuie sa scriu în ce an a apărut, de cine a fost creat și din ce e alcătuit/făcut .. textul sa fie in engleză .. am nevoie urgent dau 20 puncte la cel care ma ajutat

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de helpmeimverydumb
A skateboard is a type of sports equipment used for skateboarding. They are usually made of a specially designed 7-ply maple plywood deck with a polyurethane coating for smoothness and durability and wheels attached to the underside by a pair of skateboarding trucks. Skateboarding started in California in the 1950s.The first skateboards were made from roller skates (attached to a board).

Utilizator anonim: Thank you so much
Utilizator anonim: Skateboarding was born in 1950 when, in California, some surfers came up with the idea of ​​trying to surf the street. No one really knew how to build a proper board, so several people put their ideas together and skateboarding was born. The invention is proclaimed by many people, but nothing can be clearly proven.
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