Engleza, întrebare adresată de bogdandaniel72, 8 ani în urmă

Salutare tuturor!
Realizați descrierea unei companii în limba engleză și un model de negociere tot în limba engleză.​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Marius216390


Let's say

My favourite company is apple but this company with this techonlogy had difficulties. Apple merch have lots of secrets buttons: FootPrint, FaceScan, a model and much more. This iPhone has manufactured in 19th January 2007, first apple phone. a little bit difficulty at the newest iPhone is when you order a iPhone merch don't give you with a loader or headphones, you need to buy this.

Today my friend want to negotiate with a unknown, this unknown is giving it some headphones for a loader. I don't know my friend has do that but i never do that

Marius216390: sper ca e bun :D
Marius216390: nu prea mai aveam idei la negocierea aia
bogdandaniel72: Salut Marius! Răspunsul tău este foarte bun, mulțumesc pentru ajutor.
Marius216390: cu placere
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