Engleza, întrebare adresată de barubumihai, 7 ani în urmă

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My family moved house three months ago when my dad got a new job. In our new house I share a bedroom with my brother, Jed. In our old house I had my own room. It was small but I loved it. I was calm and relaxed because I had my own space. My life was great. Now it's awful! Jed is friendly and funny but he's really untidy. He 5 leaves his things on the floor, on the desk, on the chair and on my bed! He's also very noisy. Last night he talked to his friends for three hours on Skype and then he watched a film on his tablet. I felt really angry because I wanted to sleep. I can't study when he's in our room and now I'm worried about my exams - I need to get good results this year. What can I do? 2 10 I'm worried about my friend, Wei. She came to our school last term from China. At first her English wasn't very good and she was shy and quiet. But she's very clever. The school gave her a special teacher to help her in class and she learned quickly. Now her English is fine. But some of the girls at school weren't kind to her. They made fun of her and one of them wrote about Wei on a social media site. She 15 felt quite sad and she stopped going out. Then I met Wei at a judo class and we became friends. She's a friendly, kind girl and she's very funny! She says she feels optimistic about life in England now but she's still a bit worried about the girls in her class. These other girls are just bullies. How can I help her? 8​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ccorina3


moved ; got ; had ; was ;loved ; was ;relaxed ; had ; was ; talked ;watched ; felt ; wanted ; worried ; came ;was not ; was ;gave ; learned ; weren"t ;  made ; wrote ;felt ; stopped ;met ; became ;  worried


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