Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexyayanna2011, 8 ani în urmă

scrie in 50-60 cuvinte despre materia ta preferata in engleza,materia mea preferata este biologia va rog,nu am idei RAPID DAU COROANA SI 100 DE PUNCTE​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nobody03
My favourite subject is Biology.I like it because it’s very interesting to learn about different new things like:plants,our body and other. Many people can hate it,they can think that it’s hard or that it’s not interesting,but in my opinion it’s the best subject I have ever learned. I like it very much,especially when I learn new things! I don’t understand how many people can hate it,it’s really curious for me. I would want to have more biology lessons than we have now, when I have a biology lesson I enjoy it,and the time goes very fast,that’s the only thing I hate about the biology lessons. I really recommend learning biology,it’s really easy and interesting.

alexyayanna2011: ms ff mult,iti dau coroana cand ma va lasa
nobody03: Cuplacere:)
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