Engleza, întrebare adresată de ceraselapiscan, 8 ani în urmă

scrie în engleză ceva frumos de 8 Martie pentru mama​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de simona21saluncu

Dear mom, i want you to know that you are my love, my painting that i want to see when ever i sleep and where ever i am. You are tge one who takes time out of their day and loves me luke a baby, even tho im grown up. I love you mom, no one deserves you, but only i do.

Răspuns de siminachereches66


March 8th gives me the right opportunity to tell you how much you mean to me. I want to thank you for all I have learned from you: How to give unconditionally, how to trust me. It was you who loved me without asking for anything in return, it was you who gave me support and encouragement when I needed it, you were always with me when life seemed against me.I love You, my mummy…”

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