Limba română, întrebare adresată de Matematicianu1000, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie o compunere,de 80-100 de cuvinte,in care sa-ti exprimi opinia cu privire la importanta timpului petrecut alaturi de membrii familiei tale.Nu uita sa integrezi in compunerea ta si cuvinte care sa contina urmatoarele grupuri vocalice:eau, ia, ea, ioa, ie.Subliniaza cuvintele

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de piticmik82
Hi! My name is ..... and i am ... years old. My parents are .... and ... . My mother is an/a ... and my father is an/a .... . I have ... brother(s)/sister(s) *asta daca ai*.
I have a pet. Its an .... and i love him. 
My mom has ... eyes, .... hair , she is tall/small , fat/skinny.
My dad has .... eyes, .... hair and he is tall/small and fat/skinny
My brothers/sisters ..... *cred ca te-ai prins tu cum sa faci*
Well this is my family, and i love her. My family is perfect for me, because they accept me how i am, and they will love me forever even if sometimes i make mistake
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