Engleza, întrebare adresată de AnaMaria004, 9 ani în urmă

Scrie o fabula in proza sau in versuri, in Engleza. Dau coroana!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Solaris
There once was a fox and her friend, a small magpie. They were inseparable and often went to find food together. One day the fox suggested that they go pick up some forrest fruit. As they arrived at the edge of the forest, they saw the bear who came for a treat too. The shrewed magpie said: "Mister bear, I just flew over a big bush at the other end of the forest. Now that would be a suitable meal for a hungry fellow like yourself. This is just the leftovers from the deer. You shoukd go quickly or the squirrela will beat you to it"."-Oh really? I thought this was the biggest. Thank you for telling me. I'm headed right over there now." The fox and the cunning magpie then had a feast laughing at the gullible bear who took their word for it. This also happens with us humans. We run after a bigger reward when we have all we need just in front of us.

AnaMaria004: Merci!!!
Solaris: Cu plācere :) vezi ca era should* si squirrels*
AnaMaria004: Ok
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